This article gives you a few methods by which you may pay your bills online. This is an alternative to methods such as via the phone, post or in-person payment. Try your bank first and foremost. They offer quite a…
Category: Personal Finance
For the millions of Americans who start college every fall, college can be an exciting time. However, the reality is that college, for many Americans, can also be a very expensive time. With most college grads accumulating an average of…
Checking account is held for transaction purposes and the financial institution in which it is created allows you to deposit and withdraw money. Money in checking account features liquidity and can be taken off by writing checks or via automated…
People who are new to the world of Forex will most definitely have trouble comprehending Forex charts. On the first glance they appear to be nothing short of monstrously complicated but what one needs to remember is that reading charts…
For majority of young adults, the most common New Year resolution is to earn financial freedom. Unfortunately they fail to achieve what they set up as a goal on the New Year day. This is because; they have vague idea…
There is a good number of Americans who dream of owning a house. But is it the right time to buy a home? Many are dragged into believing that buying is a good option than renting as the later is…
Human beings are social creatures and to stay in a society you have to follow certain norms. Being a social creature means staying in a group. Usually, humans do not like staying alone and to stay in a group you…
Credit card balance transfers refer to the act of transferring the outstanding balance of one of your credit cards into another card with a lower interest rate. Pretty simple concept, right? Many people think of balance transfers as very beneficial…